If you're interested in partnering with us, please email us at press@pinkolive.com.
“The organization’s life source is connecting individuals from across the globe who are facing similar situations so that they don’t have to suffer alone after diagnosis. This is something my family did not have the luxury of benefiting from when my dad was sick.”
- Amber Barbach, Founder and Director
Susan G. Komen
No matter who you are or where you live, breast cancer may touch your life. The About Breast Cancer section of this website has the latest evidence-based information on breast cancer risk factors, screening, diagnosis, treatment, metastatic breast cancer, survivorship and more.

5 Under Forty
5 Under Forty are dedicated to providing medical, beauty, wellness and educational funded services to women under the age of 40 who have been diagnosed with breast cancer or have a BRCA mutation. We focus on a woman’s whole being in order to empower, foster hope and improve the quality of life for women in the face of this disease.
Cookies for Kids' Cancer
Cookies for Kids' Cancer™, a national 501(c)3 non-profit, is committed to raising funds for research to develop new, improved, & less toxic treatments for pediatric cancer, the #1 disease killer of children in the U.S. We provide inspiration and support for individuals, businesses and organizations to raise funds by hosting grassroots bake sales and other fundraising events. What makes Cookies unique? The three pillars of our value proposition: Targeted focus, innovative engagement & building community. https://www.cookiesforkidscancer.org/

Love146 is an international human rights organization working to end child trafficking and exploitation through survivor care and prevention. The trafficking and exploitation of children is one of the darkest stories and most severe human rights abuses imaginable. But for us, the hope of ending it is a reality. Love146 is helping grow the movement to end child trafficking while providing effective, thoughtful solutions. We believe in the power of love and its ability to effect sustainable change. Love is the foundation of our motivation. https://love146.org/
The Lower East Side Girls Club
The Lower Eastside Girls Club breaks the cycle of poverty by training the next generation of ethical, entrepreneurial, and environmental leaders. Girls Club members overcome adversity, perceive opportunity, develop self-confidence, make ethical decisions and healthy life choices, thrive academically, embrace leadership, and have the ability to enter college or the workforce as fully prepared and connected adults.https://www.girlsclub.org/

Toys for Tots
The mission of the Marine Toys for Tots Program is to collect new unwrapped toys to help bring the joy of the holiday season and send a message of hope to America's less fortunate children at Christmas. https://www.toysfortots.org/
Milk+Bookies is a nationwide charitable organization that gets books into the hands of thousands of children who need them. http://www.milkandbookies.org/

step up
At Step Up, we believe girls deserve to define and pursue success on their terms. By bringing girls together in inspired spaces – on and offline – we spark exploration and discussion of what’s possible. With structured support and access to a strong community, we guide girls towards their unique goals: first, by identifying those goals and then, building the roadmap to get there.

The campaign #littlegirls4bigchange gives girls a platform to speak up and fight for equality, empowering them but most importantly, giving us all hope for a better future. All proceeds are donated to a local charity in need.